Tagged With Ian Simm
Export routes key for Mid-East hydrogen
20 October 2020
Gulf countries are making bold strides into the hydrogen sector but appear likely to target exports over domestic markets
Saudi-Japan hydrogen cargo may herald major trade route
15 October 2020
Saudi Arabia has big plans for hydrogen, and its recent shipment of blue ammonia to Japan looks like a sign of things to come
Saudi-Japan hydrogen cargo may herald major trade route
15 October 2020
Saudi Arabia has big plans for hydrogen, and its recent shipment of blue ammonia to Japan looks like a sign of things to come
Yemen turns to solar in adversity (1)
14 September 2020
As its oil sector remains effectively paralysed by conflict, Yemenis are exploiting renewables out of necessity
Yemen turns to solar in adversity
14 September 2020
As its oil sector remains effectively paralysed by conflict, Yemenis are exploiting renewables out of necessity