Colin Bryce

Colin is a founder of consultancy Energex Partners and has 42 years of experience in oil trading.

Latest Articles From Colin Bryce
18 February 2021
Is renewables trading The New New Thing? – part three
The excitement surrounding renewable energy trading and markets appears to have much in common with the dot-com bubble of the 1990s. This third instalment considers the markets for gas and nuclear power
17 February 2021
Is renewables trading The New New Thing? – part two
The excitement surrounding renewable energy trading and markets appears to have much in common with the dot-com bubble of the 1990s. This second instalment investigates the skills required of market participants
16 February 2021
Is renewables trading The New New Thing? – part one
The excitement surrounding renewable energy trading and markets appears to have much in common with the dot-com bubble of the 1990s. This first instalment examines the historical similarities
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