Tagged With China
China ETS carbon prices rally to record highs
8 May 2024
Allowance prices rise 34% since start of year as regulator imposes tighter limits and considers reduction of free allocations
No rapid buildout seen for CCS in China
25 April 2024
Carbon capture rates forecast to rise steadily from end of decade, but policy tools to drive large-scale deployment have yet to take shape, according to DNV
China keeps a tight rein on voluntary credits
11 March 2024
Government keen to avoid oversupply issues that dogged previous iteration of voluntary carbon market
China reboots voluntary offset market
29 January 2024
Relaunch comes seven years after market was closed to new entrants because of low volumes and lack of standards
Multiple challenges hinder China CCUS expansion
15 December 2023
Greater collaboration with international developers could spur sector’s growth as it grapples with high costs and lack of effective business models, report says
China signals ETS expansion
29 November 2023
Preparations underway for inclusion of cement, aluminium and steel producers in world’s largest compliance market by 2030
China set to relaunch voluntary carbon market
26 October 2023
Government publishes new methodologies and regulation for offsets programme that was shelved in 2017
China bides its time on ETS extension
2 May 2023
Government may not broaden scope of world’s largest cap-and-trade scheme until 2024 or later
BHP and HBIS to test CCUS at Hebei steel plants
27 March 2023
Australian mining company and major Chinese steelmaker agree to develop projects to demonstrate several technologies
BP and CNPC explore Hainan CCUS project
21 March 2023
European oil major agrees to work with CNPC as Chinese state company seeks international partnerships to grow deployment of CCUS
China’s emissions trading scheme lacks bite
18 January 2023
Overly generous allowance allocations and low prices blunt impact of world’s largest cap-and-trade scheme in its first 18 months
Coal use increases, but investment lags
16 December 2022
High levels of demand are not translating into greenfield investments due to climate policies
EU agrees to loss-and-damage fund
18 November 2022
The bloc makes negotiating concession as it looks to tie loss-and-damage fund to mitigation
China ETS requires power market reform
14 November 2022
Policymakers’ ongoing preference for regulated power tariffs over market-based pricing is one of key problems China needs to address
EU CBAM will have ‘coercive effect’
10 November 2022
Scheme will punish other trading blocs that do not have a carbon price of a similar level, industry seminar hears
Global headwinds for Cop27 climate talks
2 November 2022
High inflation and interest rates will hamper project development, but progress is still being made in key areas, says Energy Transitions Commission
Geopolitical risks threaten transition
5 October 2022
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has underscored how energy can be weaponised in times of conflict
Cnooc ramps up wind development
4 October 2022
Chinese state oil company following in footsteps of European counterparts as it looks to decarbonise its portfolio
CCUS gains traction in China after slow start
26 September 2022
Country’s largest energy and industrial companies take the lead in early development ahead of wider deployment of technology
Central Asia taps Saudi funds for renewables push
26 August 2022
Saudi Arabia’s Acwa Power makes inroads in Central Asia through investment in renewables and green hydrogen
Western turbine firms in the doldrums
17 August 2022
US and European manufacturers face continued losses up to 2024 due to dwindling orders, project delays and cost inflation
Air Liquide enters China biomethane sector
12 July 2022
French industrial gases company to launch production at new facility in Jiangsu province by end of year
Shell to explore CCS in China with ExxonMobil and Cnooc
28 June 2022
The three oil firms have partnered with the provincial government of Guangdong to assess options for a 10mn t/yr CCS hub in Daya Bay
Asian governments urged to back CCS
22 June 2022
European policies can be template for region as it looks to kickstart CCS development, speakers tell Asian Development Bank event
EU firms ready to invest in Chinese transition
7 June 2022
European businesses have the technology to support China’s push for net zero, but policy uncertainty and red tape are hindering investment, says the EU Chamber of Commerce in China
Surging battery mineral prices threaten EV growth
23 May 2022
EV sales growth remains robust in 2022, but rising mineral prices and supply chain dislocations present near-term challenges, says IEA
China approves three new nuclear plants
29 April 2022
China’s nuclear power fleet is expected to overtake the US as the world’s largest by the end of this decade
China’s Longi faces higher power tariffs
8 April 2022
World’s largest solar panel manufacturer hit as Yunnan province withdraws preferential tariffs
Chinese ETS faces data issues
29 March 2022
Data quality and integrity must improve if world’s largest emissions trading system is to be effective in helping China achieve carbon targets, speakers tell event in Shanghai
China sets out energy storage development plan
24 February 2022
Government calls for commercialisation of diverse technologies and deployment at scale by middle of decade as renewables proliferate
China sees sharp rise in green bonds
22 February 2022
Issuance more than doubled in 2021 but remains well below level needed to finance the country’s transition
Jinkosolar valuation soars on Chinese market debut
31 January 2022
Solar panel manufacturer’s bullish Shanghai listing reflects Chinese investors’ growing confidence in renewables sector
China set to start up megaton CCUS project
20 January 2022
The development is aimed at providing enhanced oil recovery for Shandong’s Shengli oilfield
China’s green finance boom lacks ESG data
17 January 2022
Regulators demand greater ESG disclosure as China’s emissions goals drive acceleration of green financing
China EV demand set for strong growth in 2022
13 January 2022
Sales could double despite phased withdrawal of government subsidies
Overcapacity looms in China’s solar PV sector
11 January 2022
Government net-zero targets drive investment in solar panel production by new entrants and existing players, UBS analyst says
Action needed to curb record coal demand – IEA
17 December 2021
Report warns of gap between ambition and action as rising coal power generation in Asia threatens net-zero goals
Module price surge wrongfoots Chinese solar firms
2 December 2021
Solar module prices up 28pc this year on the back of soaring feedstock costs, conference delegates say
Renewables pairing drives China energy storage growth
2 December 2021
Mid-decade storage target within reach despite challenging business model, conference delegates say
US and China to cooperate on enhancing climate action
11 November 2021
Joint declaration to tackle CO₂ and methane emissions, with China pledging to reduce coal consumption
Iraq’s two months in the sun
19 October 2021
Baghdad has recently pulled off a string of deals promising a manyfold expansion in solar capacity
China wind power set for rapid growth and plunging costs – Wood Mackenzie
22 September 2021
Onshore wind costs expected to drop by 46pc by 2030 as state policies drive sustained capacity growth, consultancy says
US highlights China coal consumption
10 September 2021
Capacity additions continue despite falling demand and accelerating renewables rollout
Global EV sales nearly triple in H1 2021 – Wood Mackenzie
1 September 2021
China and Europe leading growth markets but sales in US see only modest increase
China’s CTG buys renewables assets in Europe and Middle East
23 August 2021
State-owned China Three Gorges accelerates overseas buying spree in wake of $3.6bn IPO
Biden under pressure over cheap Chinese solar
11 August 2021
Scrutiny on manufacturing in Xinjiang could open the door to polysilicon production in other regions as demand surges
Mission net zero: part three—geopolitics
30 July 2021
US-Sino tensions could hinder global co-operation on climate and divert government spending away from net-zero push
China finances no new coal in 2021
27 July 2021
Size of projects and new investment guidelines have deterred coal financing
The role of a national carbon market in China’s carbon-neutral goal
26 May 2021
China’s centrally controlled economy means it can pull a broader range of levers to reduce national emissions than many other states
Renewables at 20-year high in 2020
11 May 2021
Developers in US, China and Vietnam rush to get projects connected in fourth quarter
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