Tagged With India
Essar earmarks $3.6bn for transition in UK and India
27 February 2023
Newly created division will deliver projects including low-carbon hydrogen, biofuels and CCS, with bulk of investments aimed at the UK’s Stanlow refinery, Indian conglomerate says
Coal use increases, but investment lags
16 December 2022
High levels of demand are not translating into greenfield investments due to climate policies
India needs CCS ramp-up to reach net zero
6 December 2022
Thinktank Niti Aayog says nation needs to capture and store 750mn t/yr of CO₂ to hit 2070 target
Indian hybrid renewables project secures $1bn loan
18 August 2022
Loan provided by 12 international lenders is largest to a single renewables project in India, developer Renew Power says
India legislates on emissions
4 August 2022
Revision of energy conservation bill aims to enshrine updated NDC in law and introduce a carbon market
India solar scale-up must include storage
24 June 2022
Solar is the best option for India’s transition, but deployment of battery storage is needed to maximise its potential, industry figures tell event in New Delhi
India to auction 12GW offshore wind by mid-decade
14 June 2022
The country plans to begin bidding process for first blocks offshore Tamil Nadu this year
Transition aid to developing countries must accelerate
4 April 2022
Financial pledges need to be substantially larger to have an impact, Indian policy expert says
RWE and Tata to explore Indian offshore wind
22 February 2022
Companies agree to work together to identify potential projects in untapped market as government works on regulation for first auctions
Action needed to curb record coal demand – IEA
17 December 2021
Report warns of gap between ambition and action as rising coal power generation in Asia threatens net-zero goals
Cop26 presidency lays out four goals for talks
2 November 2021
Keeping 1.5°C pathway within reach and mobilising more finance are vital, according to Cop president Alok Sharma
India’s green growth challenges
13 September 2021
Despite $1.2bn of additional investment, India could miss its 2022 renewable energy capacity target
India policy move boosts growing electric two-wheeler market
19 August 2021
Price incentives support shift away from petrol models in country’s largest vehicle class
India makes progress on gas transition
5 March 2021
Falling gas prices could help India to reduce its reliance on coal, while it gradually roll outs 450GW of renewables by 2030
IEA: India set to become major solar centre
11 February 2021
Solar could become the main source of electricity generation in India within a decade—if intermittency can be managed
Lloyd’s fossil fuel exit to stimulate Asian insurance
14 January 2021
The decision by Lloyd’s of London to exit coverage for the most polluting fossil fuel projects may just spur creation of underwriting capacity elsewhere
How ExxonMobil is helping unlock LNG’s potential for India
27 October 2020
Virtual gas pipelines can help address the rising demand for cleaner energy
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