Tagged With Markets
Letter on carbon: Power struggle
30 July 2024
Electricity demand is growing at its fastest rate for 17 years as the energy transition struggles to keep pace with its own renewable power needs
China ETS carbon prices rally to record highs
8 May 2024
Allowance prices rise 34% since start of year as regulator imposes tighter limits and considers reduction of free allocations
African leaders eye carbon market potential
29 April 2024
Decarbonisation push and shifting multilateral trade policy sharpens continent’s need for carbon trading
Voluntary carbon market defies the odds
15 April 2024
Demand for credits seen rising 20% this year despite issues around integrity and standardisation
China keeps a tight rein on voluntary credits
11 March 2024
Government keen to avoid oversupply issues that dogged previous iteration of voluntary carbon market
Letter on carbon: Can carbon markets deliver?
5 March 2024
Offset integrity issues and low prices are undermining markets’ potential to drive low-carbon investment
EU ETS prices fall sharply
4 March 2024
Allowance prices in EU’s emissions cap-and-trade scheme drop by a third as lower power prices hit demand
China reboots voluntary offset market
29 January 2024
Relaunch comes seven years after market was closed to new entrants because of low volumes and lack of standards
Brazil sets sights on regulated carbon market
8 January 2024
Authorities eye design of EU ETS as they seek legislation to help fast-track decline in emissions through a cap-and-trade market
Outlook 2024: The energy trilemma – Sustainability, security & affordability
5 January 2024
Key trends identified as drivers of the trilemma
Outlook 2024: Quality concerns and geopolitics to dominate carbon markets
15 December 2023
Carbon pricing is inevitable, but the mechanism is still to be determined
Outlook 2024: Can carbon credits help you decarbonise faster?
12 December 2023
VCM to help scale climate finance
China signals ETS expansion
29 November 2023
Preparations underway for inclusion of cement, aluminium and steel producers in world’s largest compliance market by 2030
Align the VCM with internal carbon pricing
21 November 2023
Companies can boost confidence in the voluntary market by using their internal carbon prices as reference points against which to measure the implied climate contribution of their purchased offsets
VCMs’ other fragmentation problem
27 October 2023
The growing number of individual national carbon exchanges threatens to fragment much needed liquidity
China set to relaunch voluntary carbon market
26 October 2023
Government publishes new methodologies and regulation for offsets programme that was shelved in 2017
UAE gets behind carbon markets
27 September 2023
Investment in African offsets and ambitions to create a trading hub demonstrate Mideast Gulf state’s commitment to growing markets
Carbon markets primed for key role in net-zero push
20 September 2023
Curbing emissions globally by using international carbon market mechanisms reduces the cost of mitigation, Andrea Bonzanni, international policy director at the IETA, tells Carbon Economist
Olympus deal is key first for RSG market
8 August 2023
Long-term deal signed by Olympus Energy marks breakthrough for emerging market for responsibly sourced gas
California LCFS market braced for stricter targets
2 August 2023
Low Carbon Fuel Standard credit prices bottoming out despite continued surge in renewable diesel supply
VCMI acts to boost trust in offsets
3 July 2023
Non-profit group launches rulebook for companies claiming climate progress on the back of purchased offsets
Washington carbon prices surge above California
28 June 2023
Prices in the newest US regional emissions trading scheme spike above more established California market on the back of more ambitious reduction target
A new attempt at building a carbon futures market
27 June 2023
Climate Impact X is the latest operator to try to foster exchange-based trade in voluntary carbon credits
Realistic hope should be the legacy of Cop28
1 June 2023
The appointment of the UAE’s Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber as Cop president has drawn criticism from some quarters, but progress on the energy transition will require cooperation, not conflict
Harnessing the VCM to retire orphaned oil and gas wells
19 May 2023
The American Carbon Registry launches methodology for tradeable offsets generated from plugging abandoned wells in the US
China bides its time on ETS extension
2 May 2023
Government may not broaden scope of world’s largest cap-and-trade scheme until 2024 or later
Corporations commit more than $1bn towards carbon removals
14 April 2023
JP Morgan, Autodesk, Workday and H&M commit to purchasing combined $100mn of carbon removals via the Frontier initiative by 2030
More CCUS projects reach FID as confidence grows
4 April 2023
Policy incentives and rising carbon prices embolden developers as hub model gains traction, IEA says
Voluntary carbon markets’ growth challenges
31 March 2023
Conference participants voice concerns over public perception and difficulties integrating carbon instruments into broad investment portfolios
Mercuria to invest $500mn in nature-based projects
20 March 2023
Commodities trader aims to generate carbon credits for use in voluntary and compliance markets via new investment vehicle
China weighs response to EU carbon border tax
15 March 2023
CBAM expected to have significant long-term impact on trade with EU, warns speaker at country’s annual parliamentary session
Voluntary carbon offset prices fall
1 March 2023
Uncertainty over integrity of offsets has weighed on prices since the start of the year, brokers tells Carbon Economist
EU ETS reaches record highs
28 February 2023
Utility hedging and a tighter supply-demand balance are boosting prices, but falls still expected later in year
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