Outlook 2025: Geopolitics and gas: Volatility and the potential for energy security and peace
Regional cooperation over the development of gas resources has the potential to bring peace and prosperity to the East Mediterranean
Take a look at a number of major reports from some of the most high-profile and respected global energy stakeholders: Shell, ExxonMobil, IEA and the EU. What do they have in common? Natural gas remains a vital energy source, both now and in the future, on every continent due to its ability to provide energy security and support the transition. The global market remains tight and needs new supply, with major LNG projects again delayed and the fabled ‘gas glut’ moved back again. Geopolitics and gas remain inseparable. Majors that made big commitments to reduce oil and gas production are reversing under pressure to provide affordable energy security and returns to shareholders. Sanctions on Ru

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