Tagged With Philip K. Verleger
Letter from the US: Is oil barreling down the gas highway?
21 October 2024
The oil markets may be poised to experience a price slump mirroring the history of the gas sector
Letter from the US: Talk is cheap in US presidential election
8 October 2024
History shows us that there is a long way to go from candidate proposals to policy implementation
Oil stocks have become truly strategic
30 July 2024
Strategic stock releases designed to alleviate price shocks emanating from disruptions came into their own after the Russia crisis
Letter from the US: Refiners are no longer mere price takers
12 June 2024
OPEC watchers should not undervalue the buying power of refiners in the changing oil market equation
Letter from the US: OPEC+ and the trillion-dollar mistake?
14 May 2024
The former CEO of Pioneer, Scott Sheffield, has opened a can of worms through his association with OPEC+ and its market management strategy
Higher oil prices will not trouble Fed
16 April 2024
Commentators need to shake off the myths of the past, with rising oil prices a boon for US economy
Oil’s long, slow decline?
9 April 2024
Lower costs and lasting government mandates key to transitioning away from fossil fuels, but oil will not be going anywhere fast if history and current policy is a guide
The long march to energy independence: Part 3
4 March 2024
Attempts to end the US ‘addiction to oil’ in the early 2000s had some unintended negative consequences
The long march to energy independence: Part 2
11 January 2024
The US finally achieved energy independence in November 2019, but was the mission a mistake from the start?
The long march to energy independence: Part 1
4 January 2024
The 1970s provide the most important lessons on creating a sustainable and secure energy system
Letter from the US: OPEC+ faces US merger threat
16 October 2023
The ‘megaproducers’ on the rise following ExxonMobil deal will be less susceptible to OPEC pressure
Markets facing distillate squeeze
7 September 2023
Crude production cuts and refinery outages mean high prices are looming for heating oil and diesel this winter, and greater shale output will do little to help
US SPR squeezes Saudi economy
21 August 2023
Action by consuming governments has shown they can significantly affect oil prices and put a spoke in OPEC’s wheels
E&P investment becoming mission impossible
16 June 2023
Oil price volatility and the high cost of hedging mean putting money into exploration and production is unaffordable for all but the largest players
US gasoline myth masks bloated oil stocks
19 May 2023
Grim outlook for refining margins as high interest rates blunt gasoline consumption
Letter from the US: Financial contagion and the oil industry – What, me worry?
31 March 2023
Banks’ stricter lending policies will force refiners and marketers to hold fewer stocks, putting a squeeze on the oil industry
Letter from the US: The bigger they are, the harder they fall
16 March 2023
The oil industry is facing the same kind of seismic shift in consumption that rocked telecommunications with the arrival of the cellphone
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