Tagged With Rosneft
Miro stake left on Shell’s European refining to-do list
28 February 2022
The major has sold two assets and will futureproof two others, meaning only its share in the German JV remains for divestment
Letter from Moscow: Rosneft bucks trend with Arctic push
21 January 2021
At a time when many IOCs are shunning large-scale investments in oil extraction, Russia’s biggest oil producer is pressing ahead with perhaps its largest ever undertaking
Russia pushes harder for refining rationalisation
29 September 2020
Tax changes might force smaller, simpler facilities to the wall
Russia looks to streamline oil taxation
24 September 2020
The Kremlin has made a surprise move to reform its complex system
Rosneft announces Kara comeback
27 August 2020
Sechin confirms drilling has restarted in the Russian Arctic shelf, despite high costs and ongoing sanctions
Vietnam battles for IOCs as China turns up the heat
18 August 2020
China is intensifying its pressure on Hanoi to halt IOCs’ offshore drilling activities. Some have already withdrawn and others may follow
Rosneft strikes again in the Arctic
13 August 2020
The Russian oil firm has added more reserves to its ambitious Vostok Oil project
Russia remains warm on Arctic projects
18 June 2020
Despite arduous operating conditions, Covid-19 further challenging the economics and the threat of further Western sanctions, growth in the region remains a core priority for the government
Perfect storm strikes Venezuela
1 May 2020
Oil production poised to plummet as global economic conditions prove nightmarish prospect for the country’s energy sector
Russia in strong position for price war
2 April 2020
Oil producers in the country have relatively low upstream costs and greenfield projects ready to roll
Venezuela’s options narrow
17 March 2020
Sanctions, the oil price shock and the potential exit of Chevron multiply the country’s misery
Maduro further muddies Venezuelan waters
13 January 2020
Regime’s attempt to seize parliamentary control creates yet another fracture in troubled Latin American nation
Bondholders close in on Citgo
1 November 2019
Venezuela misses crucial bond payment as danger of losing control of the US refiner looms
Russian minnow embarks on Arctic megaproject
12 July 2019
A Rosneft-linked independent is developing one of Russia’s biggest ever discoveries
Russia aids Kurdistan gas boost
26 February 2019
Strategic investments from Rosneft have unclogged Kurdistan's messy export scene, paving the way for supplies to Turkey in the early 2020s
Three decisions crucial to Russian gas
7 February 2019
The volume of exports hangs on crucial events at home and abroad
Moscow calling the shots
14 December 2018
Russia ramped up production in 2018, with Arctic developments playing a major role
China shows its muscle
13 December 2018
The country was at the centre of activity in the Asia-Pacific region, boosting production and imports—though some showed wariness about Beijing’s growing power
Rosneft courts trouble with Sakhalin partners
5 September 2018
Chief executive Igor Sechin has sharpened his knife for another corporate spat
Iraq close to a deal?
27 July 2018
The outlook for the energy sector is bright, but the post-elections political prospects remain cloudy
IOCs face choppy South China Sea conditions
20 July 2018
Beijing's determination to exert its influence in the South China Sea is causing problems for oil companies active in the region
Rosneft makeover 'on the way'
17 July 2018
Chief executive Igor Sechin has outlined bold reforms for Russia's largest oil company, but will they be put into practice?
Russia carries on regardless
26 June 2018
Energy majors Rosneft and Novatek are pushing ahead with LNG projects, despite the growing threat of US sanctions
Lukoil: bigger than Rosneft
15 June 2018
The investors' darling is prioritising high-margin upstream activities
Sechin's role in Magomedov arrest under scrutiny
15 June 2018
The arrest of another oligarch with links to the energy industry has raised questions over the motive
Pertamina's offshore oil chase
18 May 2018
After two years of belt-tightening, Indonesia's NOC is seeking to plug the country's energy consumption gap
Iraq pushes for fresh oil expansion
4 May 2018
Despite hurdles, energy sector ambitions abound
Rosneft: bruised but not beaten
27 April 2018
The loss of a valuable US partner has shaken Rosneft, but it's sticking to its expansion plans and global investment strategy
Russia eyes sulphur stream
24 April 2018
The government is considering supplying high-sulphur crude in a separate stream to improve Urals export quality
Full speed ahead for Egypt's gas
15 March 2018
Eni's parallel-development method has enabled it to smash records at its mega-giant Zohr gas project. Petroleum Economist was given exclusive access to the onshore operations
Russia seeks to revive offshore Arctic ambitions
6 March 2018
New oil finds and melting ice are helping to reignite interest in the region
Russia's turf wars
14 February 2018
Even as the country's gas sector thrives, its major companies face political battles at home and abroad
Russia back to growth, of a kind
14 February 2018
Petroleum supplies to the international market should rise in 2018
Maputo's new partner
14 February 2018
An American oil giant will take the lead in the Rovuma
Iraqi Kurdistan—back to square one
5 February 2018
The independence vote heralded political and economic disaster. Existential uncertainty now faces the region's oil sector
Opec's new partner
23 January 2018
Russian producers grudgingly adhered to the cuts and a stronger oil price helped perk up the economy
Venezuela going for broke
16 January 2018
The Maduro government wants a new deal on its debt. Things are going to get messy
Russia's TMK prepares IPO for US division
19 December 2017
The pipeline maker is seeking to capitalise on a profit recovery in its North American operations, driven by the upturn in the shale sector
Lukoil mulls Treasury shares sale option
19 December 2017
Russia's largest privately-owned oil producer hopes its new long-term strategy will help maintain its status as a market favourite
Is it all about the gas?
24 November 2017
CEFC’s investment in Rosneft should bring badly needed financing to Russia’s largest oil company
Venezuelan crunch time
17 November 2017
Venezuela faces steep bond payments before the end of the year. It is looking to Russia to help keep it from default
Taking a chance in Kurdish Iraq
16 November 2017
The KRG referendum result and subsequent Iraqi army offensive against the Kurds underline how risky it is for companies involved in the export and sale of Kurdish crude
Greenfields galore for Russia
26 October 2017
Eastern Siberia will be the engine for rising Russian oil and gas output for decades
Gazprom—the LNG pivot?
26 October 2017
Faced with growing domestic competition and a wave of seaborne gas heading for Europe, Gazprom needs to up its own LNG game
Russia's LNG threat boosts export liberalisation prospects
17 October 2017
Don't expect the market to be freed up anytime soon, but Russia is at least thinking about busting Gazprom's monopoly on pipeline gas supply
Don't hold your breath for Russian shale
21 September 2017
The Bazhenov deposit holds a lot of oil, but a repeat of the American shale bonanza is by no means imminent
Gazprom feels the heat
21 September 2017
New US sanctions on Russia may create problems for the country's gas export giant
Rosneft vs Sistema brings echoes of Yukos affair
8 August 2017
For long-term investors in Russia, the nightmare unfolding for the privately held conglomerate Sistema gives them a distinct sense of déjà-vu
Indian battleground
2 August 2017
Rosneft is expanding its reach in Asia, competing against Middle Eastern exporters
What will Russia do?
24 July 2017
The country's big producers have met most of the terms of the deal with Opec. But patience with the cuts is wearing thin
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