Tagged With Colombia
Indie Arrow targets rapid production growth
10 April 2024
Fears that left-leaning President Petro’s government would signal the end for Colombia’s oil industry appear unfounded
Colombia’s upstream set for decline
31 January 2024
Political decision-making casts doubt on the Latin American country’s ability to sustain energy self-sufficiency in the long term
Uncertainty weighs on the Andean energy sector
26 July 2023
Collapsing governments and crackdown on public dissent showcase growing instability
Global LNG analysis report 2023 – Part 4
13 March 2023
The fourth and final part of this deep-dive analysis looks at LNG projects planned or underway across the Americas
Arrow flies against Colombian headwinds
9 January 2023
The company does not seem concerned about the effect on its growth plans of the new government’s proposed oil sector reforms, and is even looking at potential acquisitions
Colombian production rebounds post-pandemic
29 December 2022
Undeveloped basins, minimal industry competition and gas supply imbalance are notable tailwinds even as windfall taxes loom large
Colombia at a crossroads
30 November 2022
The new government is seen as unfriendly to oil and gas but will have to be pragmatic in the face of energy challenges
Letter from South America: Petro plots course for transition
5 July 2022
Colombia’s new president has no interest in arresting decline in the country’s oil and gas production
Colombia’s oil and gas sector faces political headwinds
1 July 2022
The incoming president has publicly stated his condemnation of the country’s fossil fuels sector, but energy security may force a rethink
Letter from Latin America: Region tilts to the left
19 April 2022
Brazil and Colombia may be about to follow the pattern of their neighbours in taking a political left turn
Letter from South America: Ukraine crisis brings opportunities and costs
28 March 2022
While the region’s crude producers stand to benefit from high prices, LNG importers will feel the pressure
Frontera aims to rebuild production
24 March 2022
The Colombia-focused operator forecasts a partial rebound in production this year and is hopeful about exploration offshore Guyana
Arrow targets Colombian expansion
7 March 2022
Canadian indie has plans to quickly increase its production in the Latin American country, says CEO Marshall Abbott
Warning signs for Colombia’s upstream
15 February 2022
The clock is ticking to prevent years of crude production decline ending the country’s ability to meet its own energy needs
Letter from South America: Brazil leads the way
8 February 2022
Brazil stands out from the rest of the continent in terms of growth potential
Gran Tierra cranks up the gears
14 October 2021
Midstream takeaway has returned to normal in Colombia, paving the way for production growth opportunities
Private sector takes a beating in Latin America
26 August 2021
Political and financial motivations vary, but the region is noticeably lurching towards greater resource nationalism
Geopark looks to shed assets
12 August 2021
The operator is doubling down on its core Colombian asset base, divesting non-core assets across South America
Ecopetrol thrives despite civil turmoil
5 August 2021
The company’s balance sheet benefitted from the commodity price upsurge in Q2, helping offset production outages
Latin American divestment drive opens door to buyers
25 May 2021
Portfolio rebalancing is helping boost M&A activity across the continent
Colombian protests threaten output
11 May 2021
Demonstrations against proposed tax reform have spread across the country, with an impact on oil and gas
Latin American M&A rallies
25 November 2020
Asset sales in the region are again starting to lure buyers after a tough financial year
Ecopetrol positions for the rebound
15 May 2020
The twin shocks of Covid-19 and the oil price collapse have severely impacted the company’s bottom line, but it is well-placed to bounce back
Colombian fracking edges closer to reality
2 July 2019
Mindful of the country's energy security, the government is looking towards its shale assets
Colombia's fracking plans take on a new urgency
10 December 2018
The new administration is turning to shale deposits to hold back the threat of imports
Colombia hopes for a revival
10 July 2018
Duque’s victory in June’s elections is likely to open the way for new upstream investment opportunities
Latin America's continental contraction
5 December 2017
The region has seen a decade of surging crude consumption come to a crashing halt. Refining woes mean imports are still on the rise
Colombia's peace brings little oil dividend
2 August 2017
Once an industry darling, the country's energy industry is still struggling with a rebel threat and local community strife
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