Tagged With Donald Trump
Saudi Arabia’s pyrrhic oil war triumph
24 April 2020
The kingdom may consider it has prevailed over Russia and US shale producers in the short-term, but its longer-term prospects are clouded in uncertainty
Mexico plays hardball
16 April 2020
Regional outlier initially baulked at Opec’s demand to scale back barrels, before bleeding oil revenues forced a rethink
Russia’s hand: weaker than it seems
8 April 2020
The devaluation of the rouble has been seen as insulating Russia during any sustained price war. But it may not be sitting as comfortably as thought
Iraq’s bounty risks bitter taste
30 January 2020
After US-led mission helped to largely banish Islamic State from Iraq in 2018, the country has fast become a battleground for power in the region
Iran-US conflict: more to come?
16 January 2020
With the US’s killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the risk of attacks on Mena oil infrastructure is likely to increase
US withdrawal stirs the Middle East
2 January 2020
Long-term adversaries are re-evaluating their allegiances in the wake of the US policy shift in the region
Mounting sanctions squeeze Iranian exports
19 December 2019
The country’s oil sector and economy will continue to feel the suffocating effects of US sanctions
US election looms large for energy in 2020
17 December 2019
Foreign policy will pose a range of geopolitical risks to energy markets, while US shale will slacken its breakneck pace
Global oil demand to disappoint
7 October 2019
Peak requirements may be here much quicker than in some forecasts
Iran makes the best of it
4 October 2019
Sanctions are constraining Iran’s output and straining oil storage capacity
Saudi Arabia in the firing line
23 September 2019
The oil facility attacks highlight potentially fatal vulnerabilities in Saudi Arabia’s critical infrastructure
US energy policies creak in a changing world
2 July 2019
Accepted wisdoms crumble due to energy independence, a capricious administration, Middle Eastern adventurism and the rise of China
Saudi Arabian crude inventories sink to historic low
20 June 2019
Riyadh’s production cuts to support the oil price have caused domestic stocks to plummet
US LNG's second wave
6 June 2019
More US LNG export projects are nearing a green light just as earlier developments debut
Canada at a crossroads
26 April 2019
Regional election in the country’s largest oil producing province will have lingering impacts on national energy policy for years to come
Wrong way on Wall Street
23 April 2019
Lack of access to capital markets could have consequences for US oil production
Can US political deadlock benefit oil and gas?
2 January 2019
Potential two-year gridlock in Congress following the mid-term elections may be a good thing for the domestic oil and gas industry
How India extricated itself from an energy squeeze
19 December 2018
New Delhi unexpectedly emerged relatively unscathed from this year's oil price volatility, currency fluctuations and geopolitical tensions
Iran sanctions cycle set to repeat
18 December 2018
The country is no stranger to its energy industry blowing in the political wind
Iran's upstream sector battens down for survival
14 December 2018
Sanctions scrape the remaining shine off tarnishing sector
PE Outlook 2019: A year of turbulence
12 December 2018
The mood music at year-end 2018 was increasingly gloomy, as economic and political factors spook oil and gas markets
The rise and fall of oil prices in 2018
12 December 2018
Prices rose, Trump hollered, supply signals were mixed, Iran was hit by sanctions and then prices fell back
Qatar’s Opec exit a sign of rising intra-Gulf tensions
5 December 2018
The Gulf state’s departure will not damage Opec’s operations, but will cement intra-Gulf divisions
Iran sanctions: Tehran is no stranger to oil's upheavals
25 October 2018
US sanctions will target Iran’s energy industry from November. But the country where the first Middle Eastern oil discovery was made has faced many past vagaries in oil fortunes
US carbon fight moves to Washington state
23 October 2018
The lack of political enthusiasm for a federal-level US carbon tax contrasts with more positive undercurrents in Washington state’s heated carbon referendum
Is the oil market facing a supply crunch?
8 October 2018
Market forces, Trump's tweets and the latest Opec+ agreement have helped shape global supply in recent months
Canada's Saudi spat and oil's new world order
1 October 2018
Canada's relations with the oil superpower have taken a turn for the worse
Iran seeks energy allies as sanctions bite
18 September 2018
Trump’s Iran sanctions target oil. But will all be lost or will Iran find investors in Russia and China?
US-Gulf summit hangs in the balance
23 August 2018
President Trump said in April that a postponed meeting with Gulf leaders would go ahead in September. But will it happen?
Continental contrasts
9 August 2018
Oil and gas production in North America is continuing its rising trend. Mexico's prospects are looking up, while Venezuela's hydrocarbon sector is collapsing
Trade war spills over
7 August 2018
US-China tensions likely to prompt shift in crude, LNG flows
Ukraine is key to unlocking Nord Stream 2
3 August 2018
Europe’s desire for cheap, stable energy clashes with the political need to maintain cordial US relations and support Ukraine
Opec and IEA diverge on world’s capacity cushion
13 July 2018
As trade tensions and disruptions ripple through the market, Opec and the IEA disagree on the risks to supply
Who's your swing producer now?
6 July 2018
Under pressure from Trump, Saudi Arabia has demolished the Opec deal and will now pour oil into a market that is suddenly running short
WGC 2018: US puts LNG at heart of energy plans
26 June 2018
The emergence of the US as a global LNG exporter fits Trump's plans to boost - rather than diminish - the future role of fossil fuels in the country
Opec starts to ease cuts
22 June 2018
The group is seeking to return compliance to 100%, implying a sharp immediate rise in output. But the details are vague
Trump's spectre looms over tense Opec meeting
19 June 2018
Russia and Saudi Arabia plan to raise supply. The move will please the US but make for a rocky summit this week
Iran looks to Asia for sanction relief
13 June 2018
European firms will be wary of doing business with Iran under US sanctions, but China and India are among states which won’t back off
Trump's fuel fight
7 June 2018
The administration wants to roll back proposed fuel efficiency standards, but rising consumption would mean fewer barrels available for export
China goes for gas in Iran
5 June 2018
Beijing glimpses a Middle East energy consolidation, by replacing France's Total in South Pars gas expansion venture
A Rhum deal: US sanctions threaten North Sea project
24 May 2018
Uncertainty over US sanctions is causing jitters among oil and gas project developers
Saudis claim diplomatic victory on Iran
11 May 2018
The kingdom says Trump's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal vindicates its long-standing regional strategy
Iran importers face sanctions shell game
10 May 2018
Trump’s sanctions plan lacks international support for now, but importers will nonetheless have to adapt
Trump lays down Iran gauntlet
9 May 2018
The US administration must win over sceptical European and Asian allies to make oil sanctions bite as hard as last time
Syria: ruthless business as usual
18 April 2018
The joint US-UK-French strikes on chemicals targets in Syria won’t affect the war—but they could damage Trump's image in the region
Life after Nafta
10 April 2018
With talks over the deal at loggerheads, Canada's oil industry is contemplating what comes next
How much Iranian oil will be lost if Trump scraps the JCPOA?
6 April 2018
The range of estimates is wide and the White House isn’t giving much thought to what happens next
China-US trade war heats up
5 April 2018
Energy isn't at the core of current trade tensions, but US exports could emerge as a bargaining tool as the spat moves toward negotiations
Trump's offshore oil ambitions sinking
23 March 2018
A clumsy roll-out has imperiled a plan to open nearly all of America's waters to drilling
The West endorses Saudi crown prince
20 March 2018
MbS’s first visits to the UK and US as crown prince show acceptance there that he’ll be the next Saudi king. But not all Saudis are happy
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