Tagged With Markets
Letter from the US: Is oil barreling down the gas highway?
21 October 2024
The oil markets may be poised to experience a price slump mirroring the history of the gas sector
The Middle East conflict and the oil price puzzle
18 October 2024
An escalation in the conflict could threaten global oil supplies, so why is the market not reacting?
From the Archives: Time for action from OPEC
17 October 2024
In our final look back into the Petroleum Economist archives, we turn the clock back to September 2016
Iran and Libya supply fortunes highlight market risks
16 October 2024
The impact from Libya’s lost barrels versus the threats to Iranian supply highlight the type of buffer in the oil market and the demand implications
OPEC+ unity critical for oil industry
15 October 2024
UAE energy minister warns oil sector of the chaos that may ensue without OPEC+ market management 
China’s changing role as an oil consumer
4 October 2024
Economic ill-health may be a wake-up call to the world about the Asian nation’s shifting oil buying status
The fuel subsidies conundrum
18 September 2024
The burden of subsidies on national economies seems to outweigh their political point scoring benefits, but removing them is not an easy task
OPEC+’s fiscal fandango
8 August 2024
Breakeven prices are a blunt but important metric for managing oil markets and helping shape oil’s direction, but Saudi Arabia and other producers also see a bigger picture
Australia’s East Coast market running out of time
2 August 2024
Looming supply shortfalls will force some difficult political decisions
Oil stocks have become truly strategic
30 July 2024
Strategic stock releases designed to alleviate price shocks emanating from disruptions came into their own after the Russia crisis
Oil outlooks enter the twilight zone
19 June 2024
The feud between the IEA and OPEC highlights how the lines between reality and fantasy over oil demand have become blurred, with huge ramifications for investment
Letter from the US: Refiners are no longer mere price takers
12 June 2024
OPEC watchers should not undervalue the buying power of refiners in the changing oil market equation
Letter from London: OPEC+ well set for Sisyphean task
8 June 2024
The impressive agreement struck between OPEC and its allies highlights the powers and limits of the group
Indian demand resistant to triple-digit oil
27 May 2024
World’s third-largest consumer should see sturdy growth in oil consumption during 2024 even if prices rise
Washington belatedly targets Iran’s crude oil supply networks
24 May 2024
Tehran is in a renewed political crisis, but its ability to find buyers for its crude exports hands it a lifeline
No foregone conclusions for OPEC+
13 May 2024
OPEC+ has huge amounts of spare capacity amid a tightening market, but nothing can be taken for granted given unclear economic trajectories and geopolitical unrest
China’s diesel demand woes
2 May 2024
Faster-than-expected economic growth fails to mask macro imbalances and shifting structural oil product trends
India’s high sensitivity to oil prices
23 April 2024
Cheaper Russian barrels and lower overall crude prices have helped cut key oil consumer’s import bills in election year
Higher oil prices will not trouble Fed
16 April 2024
Commentators need to shake off the myths of the past, with rising oil prices a boon for US economy
Tehran goes it alone
12 April 2024
Iran has announced multibillion dollar spending programmes aimed at domestic companies, inspired by recent export success
Oil’s long, slow decline?
9 April 2024
Lower costs and lasting government mandates key to transitioning away from fossil fuels, but oil will not be going anywhere fast if history and current policy is a guide
The Fed sends flowers to OPEC
4 April 2024
OPEC+ continues to keep oil prices within a 'goldilocks' price range and provide stability in turbulent geopolitical times
OPEC+ must wait on contested demand outlook
28 March 2024
Whether OPEC+ starts to unwind its oil production cuts from June will depend on heavily debated unfolding supply-demand balances
NOCs must straddle two worlds
27 March 2024
Oil producers have to untangle the increasingly complicated relationship with their natural resources
US SPR takes on new role
26 March 2024
Strategic stocks have become as much a market management tool as a security of supply buffer, and this new tactic is likely to continue beyond the next election
Letter from India: Oil’s new nerve centre
19 March 2024
The IEA estimates India will be the largest driver of global oil demand growth by 2030, but it may have still undersold the story
Letter from London: IE Week highlights east-west splits
14 March 2024
Houthi actions in the Red Sea are compounding the market dislocations stemming from sanctions
Market fundamentals mute Red Sea price impact
29 February 2024
But the crude, product, LNG and tanker markets are all still facing significant disruption
Letter from the UK: A positive legacy for OPEC?
27 February 2024
Oil producer group could spearhead the shift to cleaner energy in member countries and be part of transition solution
Shell’s withdrawal opens doors for Nigerian firms
9 February 2024
Oil major's departure from the Nigerian onshore oil business offers opportunities for local firms, but could also leave a financing gap
OPEC stresses need for all-energies approach
6 February 2024
Secretary general says oil can help solve trilemma and is upbeat on ‘flexible’ OPEC role to help manage crude supply longer term
Letter from Africa: Lip service and duplicity at COP28
2 February 2024
African unity, not elusive aid, is key to unlocking energy investment—especially in gas
Outlook 2024: The evolving role of OPEC and OPEC+
26 January 2024
The organisation remains vital to ensuring future energy demand is met
Iraq looks beyond headwinds for the upside in 2024
26 January 2024
Optimism about Kurdish production increases contrasts with a messy security situation that could obstruct oil and gas progress
Outlook 2024: The future is not what it used to be
25 January 2024
The appetite for long-term oil investment remains variable
Outlook 2024: Market regime shifts driving LNG portfolio value
19 January 2024
Three main characteristics underpin a shift in global pricing dynamics creating a new regime
Outlook 2024: Middle East to continue making headlines in 2024
17 January 2024
Especially in the products market, the Middle East is set to achieve significant growth
Letter on OPEC: OPEC’s ‘elastic’ supply problem
16 January 2024
A high-price market management strategy will continue to prove difficult until demand makes a strong recovery
Outlook 2024: Brent’s WTI transfusion – A new lease of life or a whole new animal?
9 January 2024
With crude production forecast to grow through 2028, what benchmark is going to lead the way?
Oil may not escape a recession
8 January 2024
Those who believe a global recession has been avoided may be mistaken, with huge ramifications for the oil market in 2024
Outlook 2024: Oil pricing in a post-peak-demand world
5 January 2024
The carbon intensity of oil may bring a change to pricing long-term
Oil: Five things to watch in 2024
2 January 2024
Many of the biggest themes of 2023 will come to a head this year, but beware both naysayers and apologists
Outlook 2024: OPEC at the wheel
29 December 2023
OPEC+ has created a new and higher oil market floor that both sets the scene to revive oil investment and has the begrudging acceptance of consumers
Asia’s changing oil market landscape
21 December 2023
Chinese demand is at the forefront of shifting oil contours for Asia for 2024 and beyond
Letter from Europe: Tobacco offers warning for oil
21 December 2023
Moving on from burning fossil fuels for energy will not be easy, but it is ultimately a habit the world will need to kick
Outlook 2024: Declining Russian oil flows
13 December 2023
Competition for Russian oil remains strong, but opportunistic buyers will have more challenges in 2024
Petchems Report: Oil’s understated driver of long-term demand
23 November 2023
Ethylene is forecast to account for a substantial market share in the petrochemical industry
India’s diesel love affair continues
21 November 2023
Demand for the fuel is poised for further growth, but government regulation and changing habits could eventually undermine its primacy
Petchems Report: US a petchems hotbed while Europe struggles
20 November 2023
Low-cost ethane has made the US a premier destination for petchems investments, while in Europe the industry faces economic headwinds
WCS to arrive on the global stage
17 November 2023
New pipeline capacity may transform the role of Canada’s key heavy sour crude and its price after a few false dawns
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