Tagged With Politics
Iran to hold on to Eastern promise
17 July 2024
New reformist leadership is unlikely to see any quick changes to relations with the West, but Iran has opportunity to boost its energy and foreign policy options
Argentina opens up to international investors
15 July 2024
The controversial trimmed down version of the ‘omnibus bill’ promises to attract more foreign investment to sectors including oil and gas, but critics raise concern it still goes too far
Biden clamps down on Alaskan oil and gas
3 June 2024
Federal government restricts activity in Alaskan petroleum reserve but leaves current arrangements like Willow alone
Political bargains hamstring Australia's Future Gas Strategy
2 June 2024
Backroom political deal-making has undermined the government’s long-term vision for the domestic gas sector
Letter from South America: Sanction threat fails to curb Caracas
31 May 2024
Washington has put oil and gas sanctions back in place while Venezuela prepares for elections. But exemptions remain as the Biden administration looks to domestic gasoline prices ahead of the US’ own elections later this year
Washington belatedly targets Iran’s crude oil supply networks
24 May 2024
Tehran is in a renewed political crisis, but its ability to find buyers for its crude exports hands it a lifeline
Rising political interventions in oil and gas markets
22 May 2024
From deglobalisation to potential shortages, policymakers must be mindful of the law of unintended consequences
Letter from Rotterdam: Oil and gas go AWOL
21 May 2024
With just a small presence from the oil and gas industry, the World Energy Council’s biennial congress gave a stark reminder of Europe’s energy priorities
Letter from the US: OPEC+ and the trillion-dollar mistake?
14 May 2024
The former CEO of Pioneer, Scott Sheffield, has opened a can of worms through his association with OPEC+ and its market management strategy
Mexico’s election could evolve oil nationalism
3 May 2024
Upcoming elections are likely to deliver a win for the party of president Andres Lopez Obrador, but analysts differ over to what degree his successor will stick to his energy policies
Letter from Iraq: Oil sector needs drastic reform
30 April 2024
While its regional neighbours reap the rewards of oil and gas success, Iraq’s hydrocarbons sector is lagging behind
China’s corruption purge targets the energy sector
22 April 2024
Beijing’s renewed targeting of NOC management could threaten investment
The Fed sends flowers to OPEC
4 April 2024
OPEC+ continues to keep oil prices within a 'goldilocks' price range and provide stability in turbulent geopolitical times
Letter from Saudi Arabia: Don’t mistake Saudi energy policy
21 March 2024
The country is not betting against long-term oil demand growth, it is planning for a hydrocarbons-led energy demand boom
Argentinian tax row casts shadow over upstream
20 March 2024
Clash between federal and regional governments escalates as Chubut calls for supply disruption unless demands are met
Letter from London: IE Week highlights east-west splits
14 March 2024
Houthi actions in the Red Sea are compounding the market dislocations stemming from sanctions
India says doors wide open for energy investment
12 March 2024
Hardeep Singh Puri says upstream oil is vital as country goes all out to boost its energy sector across E&P, gas, biofuels and hydrogen amid booming demand
The long march to energy independence: Part 3
4 March 2024
Attempts to end the US ‘addiction to oil’ in the early 2000s had some unintended negative consequences
Russian refining under siege
26 February 2024
Ukraine is striking deeper into Russian territory as it seeks to disrupt its enemy’s oil supplies, but the impact remains limited
Outlook 2024: Toward a realistic US energy and climate strategy
26 January 2024
A realistic, yet forward-looking, energy and climate strategy is possible if US policymakers can eschew ideological divides in favour of a durable political compromise
Brazil seeks greater oil market influence
25 January 2024
Despite environmental criticism, President Lula sees opportunity to build bridges with OPEC+ allies
Outlook 2024: Uncertain outlook for East Med
24 January 2024
The geopolitical risks of the East Med could affect regional energy integration and global markets
Outlook 2024: Freight sector grapples with regulations and geopolitics
24 January 2024
EU ETS extension is the latest change for the sector
Outlook 2024: Welcome to the geopolitical rollercoaster
15 January 2024
Oil and gas are once again being weaponised
Venezuela casts shadow over Guyana’s bright oil future
12 January 2024
But 1m b/d production could be just a few years away if geopolitical risks subside
The long march to energy independence: Part 2
11 January 2024
The US finally achieved energy independence in November 2019, but was the mission a mistake from the start?
The long march to energy independence: Part 1
4 January 2024
The 1970s provide the most important lessons on creating a sustainable and secure energy system
Outlook 2024: Transition must balance sustainability with social cost
15 December 2023
Many African nations rely on oil and gas revenues, but a just transition will need a careful balance
Argentina’s new president promises energy shake-up
14 December 2023
Self-described 'anarcho-capitalist’ vows economic transformation including privatising state energy firm YPF
US sanctions target Myanmar’s NOC
13 December 2023
But the measures also further complicate gas-dependent Thailand’s supply outlook
Israel-Hamas war clouds energy prospects
6 December 2023
The threat of a big disruption to energy trade in the Middle East appears to be receding, but the fog of war is casting doubt on projects in the region
Testing times for Ecuador’s new president
22 November 2023
Security concerns and environmental opposition to oil and gas drilling pile pressure on new leader’s truncated first term
Venezuela’s limited oil sanctions relief
1 November 2023
Washington’s move to ease restrictions on Caracas will likely have a more meaningful impact on US refiners than global crude markets
How the Yom Kippur war changed OPEC
26 September 2023
Half a century after the 1973 conflict, the world is dramatically different. But OPEC’s power remains
Letter from Nigeria: New leader delivers shock therapy
21 August 2023
President Tinubu has already targeted major reforms at the country’s dysfunctional downstream and upstream sectors, as well as overhauling monetary policy
Reality bites for global climate ambitions
14 August 2023
Real-world trends for rising oil use in the developing world cast increasing doubt on lofty emissions goals
Shifting sands alter balance of power in Middle East
9 August 2023
The region’s political situation and internal relationships are changing amid the growing influence of Russia and China
Letter from Canada: The coming energy war
31 July 2023
Conflict between the federal government and Alberta’s new premier seems inevitable
Uncertainty weighs on the Andean energy sector
26 July 2023
Collapsing governments and crackdown on public dissent showcase growing instability
Letter from London: Some fuels are more equal than others
11 July 2023
For those demonising oil and gas, there is a plot twist: the real bogeymen are coal and the world’s voracious appetite for energy
Trinidad & Tobago looks to awaken the Dragon
7 July 2023
The island nation’s energy minister delivers a bullish outlook on oil and gas both home and abroad
Letter from South America: The rise and fall of Ecuador’s oil industry
4 July 2023
Uncertain whether political change would change Opec member’s energy fortunes
US debt deal to have lasting consequences for oil and gas
9 June 2023
Approval of Mountain Valley Pipeline could set a legal precedent, while permitting reform may make it easier for other projects to advance
Letter from Iran: Tehran's dreams and Moscow's deceptions
7 June 2023
Russia is making a show of support for Iran as the two nations strengthen their ties, but the promised investment may never materialise
New president, old problems for Nigeria
15 May 2023
Abuja is still waiting for the Dangote refinery to solve the country’s expensive fuel subsidy problem
Letter from Canada: Oil sands return to domestic ownership
9 May 2023
Continuing exodus of foreign companies means assets are coming back to Canadian-headquartered firms
The energy stakes of Turkey’s heated presidential election
24 April 2023
Besides fraying democracy, different visions for Turkey as a regional gas hub hang in the balance in a fateful election in May
Letter from Caracas: Venezuela and Russia’s fragile oil ties at risk
6 April 2023
Moscow’s influence over Caracas uncertain amid upcoming elections and a shift in approach from Washington
Iraq-Turkey pipeline outlook unclear despite deal
5 April 2023
Major issues remain despite agreement between Iraq and Kurdistan
Blueberry River veto casts a long shadow
31 March 2023
Implications of settlement between British Columbia and First Nations group go beyond development of massive Montney shale formation
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