Tagged With Opec
Letter from the UK: A positive legacy for OPEC?
27 February 2024
Oil producer group could spearhead the shift to cleaner energy in member countries and be part of transition solution
UAE could be big winner from Aramco U-turn
8 February 2024
Saudi Arabia’s decision not to expand capacity target seen as bolstering UAE’s position within OPEC+
OPEC stresses need for all-energies approach
6 February 2024
Secretary general says oil can help solve trilemma and is upbeat on ‘flexible’ OPEC role to help manage crude supply longer term
Outlook 2024: The evolving role of OPEC and OPEC+
26 January 2024
The organisation remains vital to ensuring future energy demand is met
Angola’s OPEC departure runs deep
22 January 2024
Luanda’s decision to leave the influential group surprised many observers but may have been coming for some time
Letter on OPEC: OPEC composition will continue to evolve
19 January 2024
UAE looks a prime candidate to assert its growing power amid a group unlikely to either gain or lose many members in the foreseeable future
Letter on OPEC: OPEC’s ‘elastic’ supply problem
16 January 2024
A high-price market management strategy will continue to prove difficult until demand makes a strong recovery
Letter from China: Rebounding demand meets economic headwinds
30 January 2023
Opec+ and the IEA have both revised up 2023 forecasts for Chinese oil demand in recent weeks
Outlook 2023: Energy crisis puts political commitments to the test
23 November 2022
Governments around the world must decide how to approach the energy trilemma amid ongoing volatility
Outlook 2023: Tighter times ahead for oil
18 November 2022
Energy markets have had an extraordinary 2022, sparked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent retaliatory action. But the full effect on the oil market has yet to be seen
Russia offers Middle East a card in US game
26 October 2022
Opec+ cut agreement suggests Moscow’s Middle Eastern stock remains high
Opec+ decision fallout grows
6 October 2022
Crude price gains will not be the only result of the cartel’s decision to cut production
Letter from the Middle East: Opec balances Russia and the West
9 August 2022
The cartel is happy to wait for further developments before committing to more drastic action
Reading too much into the Saudi capacity ceiling
1 August 2022
MbS almost certainly did not mean what oil bulls have convinced themselves he did
NNPC becomes limited company
21 July 2022
Reforms to the NOC come at a crucial time for Nigeria’s upstream
Industry mourns Opec secretary general
7 July 2022
Tributes have been paid to Mohammed Barkindo, who passed away aged 63
High crude prices to persist in Q3 – Rystad
4 July 2022
Consultancy sees Brent potentially averaging $120/bl in Q3, but the outlook remains mixed
New finds boost Adnoc’s output push
10 June 2022
The Emirati firm continues to reap the benefits of recent licensing rounds, adding reserves as it works to increase production capacity
Letter from the Middle East: Buyers call for more
29 March 2022
Western countries want Mideast Gulf producers to boost output, but the options are limited
Costing a Russian oil supply gap
9 March 2022
Analysts see potential for $200/bl+ if it becomes ever more difficult in practice for Western nations to buy crude from Russia
Letter from South America: Outlier Ecuador offers alternative path
1 March 2022
The country has been working to attract renewed upstream foreign investment since quitting Opec
Opec’s swing producers to stick to deal
25 February 2022
Opec’s top producers are unlikely to deviate from an agreement that has brought market stability and buoyed prices
Russia, Saudi Arabia and the US – what next for oil markets?
31 January 2022
The impact of a breakdown in Russo-US relations is much more nuanced in liquids than in gas
All eyes on Opec+ after Biden’s SPR gamble
24 November 2021
How the cartel reacts to record release of barrels is the key variable for oil markets
Opec+ sticks to its guns
4 November 2021
The cartel opts not to spring any surprise by swifter loosening of the supply shackles
IEA and Opec out of step on long-term perspective
1 November 2021
The Paris-based intergovernmental organisation has its eyes firmly on a net-zero future. Opec not so much
Middle East expands Asian market share
26 October 2021
Asia’s crude supply has shifted in recent months as Mideast Gulf producers have increased exports. And that trend may continue into the new year
Brent heads for $82/bl as Opec+ holds steady
4 October 2021
The cartel dashes expectations it might boost production ahead of schedule
Iraq shrugs off partner uncertainty to lift long-term target
17 August 2021
The country has lifted its long-term production target to 8mn bl/d despite continued murmurings about IOC dissatisfaction
UAE and Saudi Arabia to put differences behind them
3 August 2021
An understanding that the Opec partners are better working together appears likely to keep the peace
Opec faces longer-term challenges
2 August 2021
The organisation may have smoothed over the cracks this time. But the UAE’s very public dissent may be just the first sign of things to come
Saudi Arabia’s different drivers bode ill for Opec+ unity
6 July 2021
The Kingdom has a radically divergent perspective on both the short- and long-term oil market. And that could mean the cracks in the cartel only getting wider
Opec can have cake and eat it—Morgan Stanley
29 June 2021
No longer having to choose between price and market share means the cartel does not need to rush to ease cuts, says analyst
Letter from the Middle East: Green shoots of recovery
27 May 2021
There are many reasons to be cheerful across the Mena oil and gas patch
Opec+ confounds market with three-month cuts easing
1 April 2021
The group had been widely anticipated to keep the prior agreement in place, but a rapidly agreed deal will see cuts relaxed through the summer
Letter from the Middle East: UAE unveils Murban benchmark
30 March 2021
Pivot towards Asia paves the way for a new crude futures contract, offering an attractive alternative to long-established grades
IEA cries wolf again
25 March 2021
The agency may be overestimating demand and lowballing Opec supply to foresee a tighter market than will materialise
Biden plans Mid-East Gulf shake-up
8 February 2021
US diplomatic goals, if achieved, will impact the Iranian, Saudi and Yemeni energy sectors
Russia benefits from standing its ground in oil price grey zone
25 January 2021
Saudi sacrifice shows greater appetite for compromise in a price environment that is not win-win for the two Opec+ heavyweights
Saudi steps back to move forward
21 January 2021
Unilateral production cuts and reconciliation with Qatar may look like a full retreat from longstanding policy positions. But they may yet prove smart tactical moves
Opec+ power shift points to lower crude price paradigm
18 January 2021
If Russia can marshal allies to seize control of the producers’ group, it might respond to structural demand concerns with a volume-over-value strategy
Opec should bear in mind its history
14 January 2021
The past offers painful warnings against the temptations that 2021 may bring
Iran, the UAE and Libya to pose Opec+ headaches
18 December 2020
Covid-19 has forced Opec+ to weather unprecedented oil demand destruction and oversupply. 2021 will be equally as challenging
Letter from the Middle East: The UAE and Opec—a problem postponed, not solved
15 December 2020
Abu Dhabi may have fallen into line for now, but tensions could re-emerge next month
Pandemic strains Gulf’s domestic energy balances
11 December 2020
International attention may have focused on their Opec+ oil market stabilisation role. But the region’s NOCs have had concerns closer to home
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: Into the nineties
31 July 2020
Colin Bryce continues his oil markets story, as a new decade ushers in further changes to the trading landscape
Central bank holds key to Gabon’s oil future
30 July 2020
If oil companies are forced to hold revenues in the local currency—combined with mandated Opec cuts—the Central African country will struggle to attract the new investment it desires
Iraq and Iran move further apart
24 July 2020
Baghdad’s pivot away from its neighbour is increasingly extending to their shared resources
Urals premium hurts Russian integrateds
17 July 2020
Russia’s Opec+ compliance has pushed its benchmark grade to a premium over Brent. But this is not good news for the country’s large integrated oil firms
Oil market mulls demand risks
14 July 2020
Crude price comes under pressure from concerns over a second coronavirus wave just as Opec+ considers loosening the supply taps. But are the worries overdone?
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